4 Simple Tips for Successful Direct Mail Marketing for Real Estate

Direct mail and real estate marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly. Direct mail marketing gives real estate agents the tools they need to get their brand into the hands (literally) of potential buyers. There are few industries that use direct marketing more effectively than real estate! If you’re struggling with where and how to start, here are a few tips from your direct mail pros at Xerographic Digital Printing: 

Define your audience. 

The best real estate agents know that demographics can vary widely within a 10 mile radius. For each campaign, consider the person who will be holding your direct mail piece at the end of the day. Focus your efforts on what they’re like and (more importantly) what the houses around them are alike. This is where personalized direct mail can come in handy. Mail with someone’s name on it is more likely to be looked at than unmarked mail.  

Have a targeted CTA. 

Before you start designing, know specifically what you want your mailer to accomplish. It doesn’t matter how pretty the graphic design is on the card if the recipient doesn’t know what to do once they have the mail in their hands. Think about what you want the consumer to do (i.e. “Call us at” “Scan the QR code”) and lay that information out plainly on the mailer. 

Get interactive with your direct mailer design. 

With the right design, direct mailers can be some of the most creative pieces of mail a person gets on a given day. From tearaway sections to postcard-style design, direct mailers that beg to be interacted with will be more memorable than standard notices. And with the right visuals, you can make sure that your mailer stays top of mind (and top of counter) longer than standard mailing. 

Combine direct mail with digital efforts. 

Direct mailer campaigns are more effective when paired alongside digital efforts and messaging. More Americans than ever are using online tools first before ever booking an in-person showing. Recent data from CivicScience showed that 35% of American adults use Zillow just to window shop their dream homes. Consumers would much rather use digital tools first before picking up the phone. Consider driving traffic back to your website from your direct mailer or incorporating a QR code to a specific landing page, allowing the traffic to be more easily traced back to the mailer’s performance. (At bare minimum, make sure your social handles are on the mailer so people can follow you online.) 

At Xerographic, we’re no stranger to helping companies craft effective direct mail campaigns. We work with you and your available data to create customized and personalized messages. Going that extra mile to address a recipient by name could be the little push needed to keep your real estate agency top of mind. If you’re looking for a printing partner to help make your next direct mail campaign a success, give us a call at 407-490-0690 or drop us an email at info@xerocopy.com.